Audi Q7 Air Conditioner Repairs
Air conditioning is one of the mandatory features on cars in the consumer market. So what happens when it stops working? Bring it into Auto Studio and have our experts can investigate the issue and fix it for you.
This week we had an Audi Q7 come in with an air conditioner issue, and by finding out what code the ECU was providing, our experts found that the problem was with the motor controlling airflow to the cabin.
To get to this part, the entire dashboard had to be removed, which makes this process very time-consuming.
Over their careers, our Technicians have seen this issue before with this make of vehicle and were prompt to diagnose and repair the fault.
So the next time you have an issue with your air conditioner, whether it’s in an Audi Q7, Q5, Q3 of any of the other non-SUV models, be sure to give us a call.