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Audi A5 Door Locking Mechanism

Audi A5 Door Locking Problems

Recently at Auto Studio, we had a customer present their Audi A5 that had problems with locking and unlocking their passenger-side door. The door was failing to sometimes lock and unlock when using the remote central locking.

While not critical to the car’s performance, being unable to lock the doors can put your family and belongings safety at risk. So, what do you do if your European car is experiencing door locking problems like this? Continue reading to find out.

What causes a faulty Audi lock?

This problem concerns the doors actuator locking latch, which in this case was faulty. This occurs as frequent and repetitive actions can cause components to wear down over time.

How to fix a faulty Audi lock?

This problem is relatively straight forward to fix as the door actuator simply needs replacing. However, to replace the actuator requires removing all the interior panels. Unless you’re skilled and experienced working on cars, specifically Audis, it’s recommended you see your local servicing centre such as Auto Studio here in Adelaide.

Our expert technicians are quick to source the correct locking actuator, replace the faulty one and ensure all the cars electronics continued to function correctly.  If you’re experiencing this problem with your Audi, or any other European car, give our friendly team a call today.

Contact us today if you have any questions or book your service online. Our friendly and experienced team are her to help!

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