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The Mercedes Benz B Class is touted as a comfortable, reliable and safe car perfect for families. While that may be true, no car is impervious to issues arising. Whether your B Class is your family vehicle of choice or your personal pride, it’s important to get it regularly serviced in order to prevent problems occurring—after all, prevention is better than cure!

Mercedes Benz B Class common problems

Failing water pump

If your water pump has failed or is failing, then there will usually be fairly obvious signs that something isn’t right. Whether it’s your check engine light turning on or you’re hearing strange noises from the vehicle, spotting leaks, or experiencing your vehicle overheating or producing steam from the hood, it’s absolutely critical to get it inspected before more issues occur and more damage is done.

Oil leaks

As always, oil leaks—no matter the size—should be looked at before they turn into major nightmares. 

Fuel pump 

Are you experiencing trouble starting? Perhaps your engine stutters? Maybe your speed is irregular and your fuel economy has taken a blow? If you’re faced with any of these issues, there may very well be a problem with your fuel pump. Get it checked out as soon as possible to restore your safe, smooth ride.

At Auto Studio, our friendly team are experts in Mercedes Benz B Class car services. Contact us today for all your servicing, maintenance and repair needs.

Contact us today if you have any questions or book your service online. Our friendly and experienced team are her to help!

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